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Sketchnoting:  What is it?  Why should I?  How do I?


One technique that is gaining strength today is the Sketchnoting as J.Pampliega Carlos explains in his blog:


"Sketchnoting conceptualizes information and ideas (of a presentation, lecture, workshop, meeting, etc.) through visual notes.


To create these notes we use metaphors to conceptualize information. Visual metaphors express ideas through symbolic images. These images are composed of forms, words and simple drawings, which help fix concepts in our memory and to recall them later easily.





















"The power of the visuals and its application in project ..." 2015. 23 Aug. 2015 <>


While creating these notes we use different parts of our brain, including its most creative part and normally would not use to listen to a lecture, or during an analytical process. In this way, in the process of creating visual notes, a greater number of neural connections that help set longer in our memory concepts are established.

Links to inspiring Sketchnotes!



Click Here for Waters' Sketchnotes by the week.

February Quiz Unit One:  Paleolithic vs Neolithic Eras

If you can't get your quiz to work here, use this link:
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